Out of Love

1 Timothy 1:5 But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.

Why do you what you do?  Where do your motives come from?  The answer for both questions, should be love.  We do what we do out of love for God and others.  Our motive comes from love for God and others.  Love moves us to act rightly and unselfishly.  It puts others in front of ourselves.

Paul had a love for other people, so he taught them about Jesus.  He did not do it to get rich or famous.  He humbly looked for others to share the good news with.  Many “teachers” today are in for themselves.  They act of selfishness and not love.  They do not teach the hard things of God, not wanting to upset people.  This is not love.  Love does not hide the hell that is ahead, in order not to offend someone.  Love tells them the truth and tells them the way to go.  This is true love.  Jesus acted out of love when He came and was born in a barn.  He acted out of love when He chose the cross and died for us.

How well do you love others?  Do you make sure that they know the truths about what lies ahead?

Dear Jesus, help me to love others and tell them the truth.  Help me not to hide what is ahead.  You acted out of love and made a way for us.  Help me to act in love and tell others about it.  Amen.

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